Here's my survey instrument. It will be administered to families with children aged 11-15 within a larger sample of 1600 families in 4 slums. Not expecting as many comments on this as on the rhino picture. Survey training is going on right now. The plan is to pilot the survey on Thursday morning and finalise it on Thursday afternoon... when things get going here they really move surprisingly quickly.
I am reading, just not commenting... Glad you are now doing some interesting and useful things (although another rhino picture would be nice).
Hi Stuart,
Thanks for sharing this very interesting trail and the research itself!
I have read some parts of your blog (not all). I like it very much.
I do have some questions (Not sure applicable, as you know better your research objectives).
- Do characteristics of the household's head relevant and deserved some questions in the Q ? Their education attaintment, their current occupation/employment expections? The reasons/ difficulties of themselves (as before) for not achieving/ not willing to reach certain edu level, which might be somewhat influence their decision on their children's education.
- Similarly is the lief experience/perceptions of the previous generation, or from older children (who is above 15, their actual returns of education might affect their younger brats/sisters); Also Mothers and female roles in teh household.
- Girls' marriage. What is the expected age for a girl to get married? Does it influence their educational pursuit and their partents/husband's expection of her? (perhaps it somewhat answered by the q "what do you expect... they to do when they get older", but not clear on the marriage age.)
- Perception of the parents and households on the availability of better employment/ earning opportunities (compared to themselves). And what the reasons that make them have that perceptions (from neighbours/ migration opprtunities..).
.. I do know that you will have other focus-group interviews and other review of secondary data/information. But this is just a thought.
By the way, I would be very interested to know how you organise the data itself, since each household has several individuals interviewed. (the question for SPSS, not sure about others..)
This is really an extensive and well designed field work.
All the best, Stuart.
Ha (DEV 03-04)
Hi Ha
Thanks for your comments ... actually there is a second survey being done with the same households which covers some of the things you mention. But the survey (piloting stage) has now started and some of the investigators are complaining that the questions about expectations are too vague and don't make sense to people. Your ideas about marriage age and what employment will be available might be easier questions to ask.
As for data organisation, not sure yet exactly, but it will be mainly by individual child rather than by household.
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